Friday, May 15, 2009

Grandpa Don't Do Diapers

My dad is great with Baby B. He loves taking him out, feeding him, walking him to sleep, and pretty much every other baby-related activity... except diaper changes. He's never really learned how to use our cloth diapers, so he he just avoids diaper changes altogether. Today, he was holding Baby B and commented that Baby B needed a diaper change. I had Danedeer #3 on my lap (yes, my 140 lb dog regularly sits on people's laps), so he said he would give it a try.

A couple minutes later, The Husband goes into Baby B's room where the diaper change is taking place and yells to me, "We need to give B a bath right now." I respond that I'll do it after he eats dinner, and The Husband says, "No, he needs one now... your dad used Clorox wipes on him."

It turns out that the cleaning lady, who came earlier today, had left a container of Clorox wipes on the changing table. My dad, not knowing what our normal wipe container looks like, used those to wipe my poor baby's butt.

I practically flew up the stairs and had Baby B in the shower in 10 seconds flat- both of us fully clothed. He's fine- the wipes were bleach free and he wasn't phased in the slightest. I need to have a talk with the cleaning lady about never leaving cleaning supplies out though.

And, here are a couple pictures. Sorry about the image quality- I took them with my phone.

This is Danedeer #3 (otherwise known as Triana, Nanana, and Chunks McGee) sleeping on the couch last night.
And here's my tough baby boy this afternoon. How can someone who's teething like crazy and has a slight fever and runny nose still be so good natured?

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